
a healthy hobby

about bonsai


a healthy hobby

mini bonsai

about bonsai

about bonsai cd

animal bonsai

about Wightia

bonsai art

One Species a Thousand and One Styles

about bonsai cd

Bonsai offers you a platform to express your creativity. It is a work of art and one of the most interesting aspects of bonsai is styling.

about Wightia

bonsai art

dragon styles

mini bonsai

animal bonsai

Traditional Styles

As we know bonsai is a traditional art mainly focused on creating traditional styles, such as formal, informal or cascading style. However, by utilising the principles of bonsai we can create interesting styles and shapes. This is what I called "artistic bonsai" or “bonsai art.”


These are the traditional styles which is the mainstream bonsai of today.

I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand. Chinese proverb.



about styles

bonsai art - it’s all about styles

One of my favourite thing about bonsai is to create different shapes and styles. And I discover that Wrightia is one of the most ideal plants for creating artistic bonsai.

It is hardy and when young it can be trained into various shapes and styles. In fact there is no limit to your creations except to your iminagination. 

The photos on the right show you the various shapes and styles you can create. Most of the trees have been defoliated to give you a better outline view.

Except some old trees, most of the styles can be created within a short period of 3 to 5 years.

slanting style

informal style

canopy style

artistic style

willow style

mini style -2”

stump style

formal style

cascading style

artistic bonsai comes in many styles shapes and sizes

mangrove roots style

dragon style

willow style

mini landscape

rainforest style

informal style

informal style

informal style

driftwood style

stump style

mini landscape

artistic style

rainforest style

informal style

twin trunk style

informal style

informal style

canopy style

rainforest style

informal style

informal style

informal style

slanting style

stump style

artistic style

old tree style

windswept style

artistic style

rainforest style

informal style

old tree style

informal style

informal style

old tree style

rainforest style

driftwood style

artistic style

informal style

informal style

animal style-dog

rock style

rainforest style

old tree style

canopy style

informal style

informal style

For more information please email me at:

Bonsai gardening is one of the ways you can unwind. It is refreshing, relaxing and rewarding. It is also therapeutic and help you calm your nerves.

Expess your Creativity...

It is not just about formal or informal styles but a whole lot more you can create. 

click here for more...